What Makes Laravel So Special

Laravel is considered magical because it offers a supportive community, comprehensive documentation, developer happiness, growth opportunities, and a visionary mindset.


00:00:00 question we're starting with is what makes lair Bell so special and sometimes we can ask this question from a positive way of what makes it so special and why are we so excited about it and sometimes it's a negative what makes you so special and so we're gonna be kind of poking at it from each of those different ways so I love this quote any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic because what it kind of points out to us is that a lot of times when people are looking at things that they don't understand

00:00:23 they look at it and say well it must have some other explanation if you think about people from ages ago when they didn't understand why the Sun rose and went down or to do why their turn around whatever else they would come up with reasons and that's where a lot of the myths came from right it's a way to understand it so we're gonna attribute it to ogres or monsters or whatever else but that's kind of it play in our world today as well and a lot of times when people say well what makes liberals so

00:00:45 special what they mean is what makes it so magical and once again that can be positive and that could be negative right it could be positive because it's magical and we love it and there's fairies and sprinkles and happiness but sometimes they mean I don't get it right I wrote a better framework than Larry Bell and laravel seen more success than me so why is Larry Bell so successful right and so I think it's helpful for us to interrogate why is Larry Bell so magical and in both the positive in the

00:01:09 negative ways so if you're thinking about magic and you're thinking about laravel you have three things you're gonna talk about I'll get two out of the way and talk about the one that this talk is actually about so the first one is obviously the laravel magic twitter user which you've never experienced before is a ton of joy and fun primarily because this user is very interested in interrogating who Tyler OTT well is who's the actual true original creator of laravel apparently Taylor has just been masquerading while his twin brother

00:01:33 actually created it so go check out the laravel Magic Twitter user for that but that's not it for today right that's our that's our good laugh we'll move on the next thing is coding magic and if you've been around long enough you've heard the criticisms of laravel they talk about oh well everything's magical right if you just google laravel magic because you knew I was giving a talk about it and you're curious about it all the answers would be people being critical I'm leaving the magic of Larrabee laravel

00:01:59 has do magic too much magic laravel fight came out no it's so magical not I want to work with it anymore and usually what they're talking about in these spaces is just like magic laravel does something and I don't really know how it works and sometimes that's because the person needs to take the time to understand but sometimes they're being reasonably critical and they're saying the average developer doesn't understand why it works that way and that's bad because the average developer should understand

00:02:21 what's under the hood and it's the same criticisms that were thrown at jQuery right you got a whole bunch of people using the thing they don't actually know how it works when it breaks they're totally stuck because they're relying on the magic I think that's actually not a problem for reasons we'll talk about in a second but I also want to say that when I talk about laravel magic that's not my primary point today so the third one is sold out PlayStation Theater magic and I think that when people talk

00:02:42 about the magic of laravel that's what they mean why are there 900 people there right here in front of us why is it such a big deal why has it been seeing this meteoric rise when a lot of the other PHP and back-end frameworks haven't been seeing that same level of success why is it such a big deal and so I think that when somebody asks these questions what they really mean is in Comic Sans why what what makes laravel sellout the playstation theater funny story I make my slides and then I pass him off for

00:03:07 tudas off to our designer Noemi so she makes them look good and she's like well this was obviously a mistake so I'll fix it I'm like no no no keep it that way I did it on purpose so I have a few thoughts about what that looks like but I think the simplest and most important answer although you're gonna make fun of me because this is so you know idealistic or whatever is because I think that laravel is changing people's lives and I'm glad I'm going last because I was able to hear so many conversations

00:03:30 happen from stage and also in the hall when people are talking about laravel changing people's lives and Justin who is one of my favorite people to hear talk about it both because he's hilarious and brilliant but also because he came to layer Bell from the outside he has a perspective on layer above a lot of us don't and he frequently tells the story to people outside of the liberal space about when he first came and he talked to someone who had previous been previously been a realtor and changed their lives around all kind

00:03:55 of stuff you've heard that story and you've heard that story for so many other people where their lives are different so I was gonna put together a couple slides here about the ways in which I know that people's lives are being changed my laravel and I was gonna pull a couple friends stories and things I've heard but I thought you know what I'm gonna do is instead I'm gonna ask on Twitter so I went on Twitter and I asked a question Twitter break and I said in what way is working with laravel PHP changed your

00:04:15 life for the better so quite a few of the responses were trolli most of them were funny some of them were annoying and I you know sent the eye rolling emoji at them and one guy I just wrote the word the letters lol and he's like lol back and I'm like lol back at you it's like lol pong what are we actually doing here why are we actually interacting with each other but that's fine so I got some really great responses and some of them fit into these premade ideas I had about ways in which people's lives had been

00:04:42 changed by laravel that I was planning to do originally anyway right and so I kind of made these slides and then fit them in some of them didn't and some of my favorite things about the responses about that is they weren't all the same and I learned a lot about people and how they use laravel by reading these responses so I would actually recommend go find this tweet it's one of my most recent tweets and go look at the responses there because I'm not gonna cover all of it and a lot of it is really good but let's take a look at

00:05:06 just a couple of these so I think the simplest one is someone whose life opportunities were transformed and I think this is actually the most important I'm starting the most important which is I could not do something before or I didn't have this opportunity before and now I do because of the opportunities provided me by laravel and this is just a couple of them you can look at them I'll put these slides online later so you can take pictures and try to read these really quickly but don't worry about it a link

00:05:28 them all on Twitter once I get a minute to do at backstage but just all these to save me from burning out and quitting engineering all all together I went from making 18k a year to working 80 a year working for US companies helped me make me make me a published author and quite a few people are here Martin I know that you're here so these people are having opportunities in their lives that unlike other technical frameworks or technical tools that they worked with did not give them that opportunity and they're

00:05:53 getting this opportunity with Larry Bell and that is something significant and people relate to something that changes their life or gives them opportunity for their lives to be changed differently than something that might have you know better single responsibility principle and so we're having different values that we can think about about what laravel is providing versus other things and the simpler one it's cut not quite as influential but as programmers we care about this is a lot of us used PHP

00:06:15 for a while and if you hear a lot of Rubeus and python and other folks criticize PHP it's because they used it and then they left right before PHP 5-3 in oo P came out and so they look at it and they say it's terrible and a lot of us were in that space not everyone but a lot of us in that space as well and we were on our way out right we had learned through WordPress we learned through vanilla PHP we learned through magenta whatever else we said okay I'm I'm ready to do kind of grown-up programming

00:06:38 right and it wasn't there for us in laravel and composer in in an oo P of PHP 5 3 all these things gave us a space say no I can grow as a programmer and still stay in the space where I've got a job and I know the tech stack and I have maybe other reasons why I really like PHP and I had quite a few people give these things as well you know Reis which from Python back to PHP because laravel made me not hate PHP for once let me abandon Ruby on Rails and come back to PHP and there's reasons to use PHP but

00:07:06 there was reasons to leave and I think laravel got rid of a lot of those reasons to leave and made a lot of reasons to actually join it in the first place and there's quite a few people whose businesses were entirely possible as a result of laravel now granted you say well why didn't you just use some other you know red or a full stack or MVC what else what's gonna be and that is sometimes possible but if you look at the answers people gave here that's not always the case things like let's see where's this really really good one here

00:07:31 where anyway I won't find a particular one but quite a few people said things like because I can work so fast with it and trust it I can focus more on my business right or because I can work so quickly with it I can build multiple things that I wouldn't have had the time to do because I still had to work a full time job well I started doing my side projects all these different answers that show that the specific things that laravel allows allowed people to do things that couldn't have done otherwise

00:07:55 and you have a story right there's a reason you're here there's a reason you've been here for two days and you didn't leave even though you've been here for 48 hours at this point and you're probably tired and hungry but somehow you stuck around you paid the money for it or your boss paid the money for to your spouse paid the money for - something you skipped work for a couple days and yes New York is really wonderful and yes you know like there's other values here you know the coffee is good and the lunch was good and stuff

00:08:16 like that but you're here for a reason right and that story each of you there's similarities but there's some reason why you're here and there's some reason you're here and not the conference for some other thing and so each of us have these stories and even tailor has a story right like if you imagine Taylor's life if you've listened to any of the interviews with him where he talked about what he was doing coming out of college he almost didn't even do tech because he couldn't find a job and he's

00:08:37 like yeah I might have just ended up working in a car garage which is fine but he would have a very different life and then he worked for that one company and then he started laravel and they got hired by how help Scout help spot working for help spot is not the same as working for that company was before and then he went out at his own and then he tried around the world and he spoke on huge stages and he's able to give his family a different life he would have otherwise so he has the same kind of thing where

00:08:56 his life is different so if we recognize that laravel is changing people's lives your life my life plenty of people in the tweets lives Taylor's lives we could understand that that's a valuable thing that's a very good thing and that's something that attaches us to Lera bond allows us to want it there's some things we can take from there we can go in multiple directions and I'll go in multiple directions in just a second if you've heard me give a talk before you very likely heard me reference the five why's

00:09:20 and it's a Six Sigma engineering concept where if you have a problem you don't just ask why you you you say well why is that and they give you an answer and you say why is that and they give you an answer and you say why is that and you keep asking that five times until you hopefully have gotten to the actual source of the problem I'm not gonna do that this time although I have in previous talks but I do want to at least take this one step further okay laravel is magical because it's changing people's lives why and I don't think I

00:09:45 have all the answers I tried really hard to get all the answers for this talk and I realize I had to give up on that and just try to get some of the answers some of these answers we've talked about a million times I wrote him in my book we talked about a podcast I think some of these I was able to uniquely think about having had the opportunity needs to be as involved in the laravel community with Taylor and podcasting books and interviewed stuff like that and so hopefully this is going to be something

00:10:05 interesting for us so my because starts here thank you thank you very much that's that this may or may not be procrastination fodder where I just didn't you know I needed a moment away and so I just kind of went and played in Photoshop for a while how dead remote means I can't wander that is a bummer oh wait hey there we go okay cool so here are five I don't think it's the only five but I think these are five important reasons why laravel is changing people's lives so community is the biggest one I could give a 30 minute

00:10:47 talk on community in there about all day long but I don't have 30 minutes the docs we've talked a little bit about this I'll talk a tiny meeting about this but the laravel Doc's are so so so so so key especially to its early adoption but even to our experience with it today developer happiness which you've probably heard about developer growth which we seldom talk about and then vision which I don't know if I we talk about that often so I'm gonna try and skim through these again just community alone could be a whole talk

00:11:10 but I don't have time for that so community there's a few foundational pieces of the community that I think are very important and I think there's a lot of other ones I just don't have time for today but you can imagine our community and how impactful it is so belonging a good community helps you to belong and if you've heard listen if you've heard Taylor on podcast over the years you've heard him talk about this all the time he's a recent one he did with Justin where he talked about it but this is I

00:11:33 think one of the older ones where he said from the very beginning of laravel I've had this idea that all people want to feel like they are part of something it's a natural human instinct to want to belong and be accepted into a group of other like-minded people so by injecting personality in a web framework being really act in the community that type of feeling can grow in the community so there's at least two things we can get from this first of all it is in a very intentional foundational aspect and concept in laravel that you

00:11:57 should be made to feel like you belong somewhere and that has informed how we interact with each other that's informed how this press conference is run that is informed how features are developed that is inform how Docs are developed and those things have an impact and I hope continue to have an impact but additionally what this can tell us is that Taylor's been thinking about that since the beginning and often when someone can look at it from the outside and say oh why is it so successful technical technical technology well

00:12:21 you're probably missing the point right I think laravel is a found fantastic technical tool I also think it's a fantastic community environment space and it's not just a technical tool that does that and I think we need to know that so we can understand what we have and we can continue to replicate it as we get bigger and bigger that has foundationally as a part of it also kindness I gave a talk about empathy a couple years ago at Larrick on a you and this EU and it's a kind of very similar I concept here when I put up that tweet

00:12:48 the other day when my friends Christopher said everyone in the community follows the Bill and Ted rule of you know be excellent to each other and I think that's also an aspect of it many of the other aspects I'm going to talk about later in this talk have to do with caring for the people around you empathy and kindness and I think that that being a foundational part of our community is really significant and why more people want to grow it and people who are in it really feel like their lives are different as a result of it

00:13:09 and that leads to a teaching and sharing community so we've got Stack Overflow blogs video courses all this kind of stuff which streaming github IRC slack discord this is a community of people who always are trying to one-up each other and how much they can teach each other now I want to be very direct sometimes it's because when you help people really well you can eventually charge money for the book that you do as a result of that and that's fine it's okay to make money as a result of it but I think there's two

00:13:36 angles we can take from it one of which is I want to make money and I guess I can help people as a result you know as a part of doing it or I want to help people and Wow I can actually turn that into my career right and I think that what we have foundationally here is a lot of people who help help each other all the time and I think that is a really significant aspect and a value of our community that I think is really key it's open source which we can't really underplay I mean we have people contributing to the core itself we've

00:14:00 got you know laravel github slash laravel slash ideas where people are just throwing out ideas they have we've got tons of issues tons of pull requests of the framework pack list I don't use all the time but the good thing about it is it's like packages but scope down to things that are connected to laravel we've got tens of thousands of people who are targeting either laravel or laravel jacent PHP with their packages with their free time and that is incredible what you can do there versus relying on one company top-down to do

00:14:25 all that work for you again community giving back to each other nobody has to do that open-source work right everyone could technically and ethically and legally just take and take and take from the lourve of community not give it back but that's not the reality that we have inclusivity I think this is both something we have really well and I also hope we have opportunities to grow in I don't have the number of countries but I do know that we have dozens of countries that have very strong presences in the

00:14:49 aerospace and likely quite a few more than dozens that actually have people actively doing laravel development we have all sorts of different languages we've got laravel live India's and meetups laravel live UK we've got and one of things I think is really cool is that we have a space in which you're welcome regardless of what you're coming from and so we as PHP developers are usually and many of us JavaScript developers are used to being derided and looked down on right oh you're a PHP developer okay you

00:15:17 know pat on the head or something like that and what I think I've realized is that's not present in our community I can't tell you the last time I walked in here and I heard someone say oh you do WordPress no because most of us used to write WordPress preniva still white write WordPress we are using wordpress on tor projects that we just installed within the last year and it's good and it's fine it's okay we're not judging each other and plenty of us use jQuery and plenty of us use vanilla JavaScript and plenty of us

00:15:41 don't feel comfortable javascript yep and that's just fine and I think that's really noticeable is it's some of the most inclusive communities in the world that are doing really well in terms of areas of diversity which I think we can all work to grow in some of them are still not very welcoming quite a few of them are in languages where if a PHP developer walked in they would look down on you and so I think that if there's something really valuable about the fact that we as a community don't look down

00:16:02 into developer because of their current capacity or where they came from and that is very significant and that's very impactful and I want us to continue doing those things thank you and I think there's a really cool sign about that as well which is that within our community we have at least two big broad channels one of which is rapid application development just do it know type hints all that kind of stuff and then we've also got the CQRS DDD event sourcing architecture all day long and both of those are present in

00:16:32 our community and neither of them are the right way or the wrong way of within our community we have an active and healthy conversation between at least those two sides and plenty of others react versus view or whatever else or front-end versus back in and those are all there and they're all present and the CQRS people are no less laravel developers than the rad people or the other way around and that's perfectly fine and good all right next one is the docs I think this gets talked about a lot so I'm just going to read a couple

00:16:54 quotes and point to it but I do want to just make sure that we all know that the docs that we have both in our framework and then for our external tooling is actually really significant because usually it is the first interaction somebody has with our with our framework with our community because they don't come to alarcón first they don't use our packages first the first thing they do is go to layer about a calm or github.com so everyone they look at the docs and so that's a huge entry point and a lot of people if they hit those

00:17:16 Doc's and they weren't welcoming and understandable they wouldn't ever get anywhere else and these Doc's are really influential Taylor interview with Justin Jackson I really feel like whoo and he's talking about back when he started it I really feel like whoever has the best documentation is gonna win whoever is the most accessible and approachable is gonna win that's why WordPress is so hugely popular Adam if you've ever followed him on Twitter almost always you know any given month you're gonna

00:17:38 find him saying I found some new framework or something and their Docs are often I don't know how to use it and what WTF you know what sex going on here and if you've ever watched me livestream I'm like oh I have this really cool idea and look there's a package for it and the docs don't make clear how to do it screw it I'm not gonna waste three hours to understand how to use their package I'm gonna write it myself in 20 minutes right so that's like the opposite side of it so the Doc's really have a huge

00:17:58 and significant relationship to our engagement with any given framework our community and it's something we shouldn't under play and then finally not finally next developer happiness so if you've been around for a while developer happiness from download to deploy was actually one of the original kind of like unofficial slogans that was used on the website and the doc said happy developers make the best code and taylor-ann's interview with Justin said the easiest solution wins so what are day-to-day like as developer day-to-day

00:18:23 life as developers is like can be impacted greatly by deterring or in and can be impacted by our co-workers by our bosses all kind of stuff but our tooling is one of the more significant pieces of that and the fact that our tooling that we're using here thinks about what it would be like for me to start using this new piece of the tool I've never used before and not only make it so it's relatively easy from understand but maybe even easy for me to guess what the method name is I mean how many times

00:18:45 have you been using something Larry Bell you're just kind of like I think you'd probably just be sent and you hit Send and it actually just works and you're like yes that's developer happiness it's thinking about what our daily experience is like using this tools and that's why things like vapor and all that kind of stuff are they exist and they're wonderful it's because Taylor and other folks Jeffrey and Adam we're also building some these tools say you know what I'm really annoyed by this I think

00:19:06 Taylor or Adam recently mentioned the fact that that Taylor and Adam both have really low pain tolerances and so that's why they keep building these tools because they'll be sitting on them like I'm really annoyed with how hard it is slow them you know host my site locally and then they end up with valet or something like that this is making our lives easier is very significant because it makes the next person life easier and that makes it easy for them to learn how to be a developer and you'll see that a

00:19:26 lot of the ways I'm going here are not just about us here but about how the values we've gotten have been can be given to the other people around us and then I think the last one is developer growth it's not the last a keeping it's the last developer growth so this is one that I don't think we talked about that often and I think we should a lot of the criticisms levy did the laravel community and the laravel frame ik are that it is too easy and we say well what what is too easy mean right why is it

00:19:50 too easy and what they usually mean is yeah it's really easy for new developers to use but then they stay there it keeps them there right yeah facades make things but then are they testable do you use dependency injection blah blah blah blah one of the really important things that I've learned about layer of on the fat past few years is that it's easy to use and recently I've are started to really realize that while it is easy to use it is also very easy to do more advanced things nobody's forcing you to use

00:20:14 facades when you want to use dependency injection and I realize this when I saw a lot of my more CQRS DDD event sourcing friends still stay in laravel right they're doing way more advanced things they might be really critical of some of the simpler things and yet they keep using laravel and they may be real a lot made me realize that there is still space to do the most complex stuff you want and still find that this is the most effective space for you to be in and that started making me ask these

00:20:36 questions but as I put this thing up on Twitter I realized a third thing so yes it's really easy and yes you can do complicated things but person after person after person after person or spot in said I learned to become a better developer by using laravel it's not just making it easy for you to enter when you're not a great developer it's not just easy making it easy for you to do complicated things it's teaching you you have to learn about queues eventually you learn about containers eventually

00:21:01 you learn about dependency injection eventually you learn about unit testing eventually you learn about DevOps eventually because it's just a part of what we do but you don't have to know them all to start using it and so you enter easily you grow and you still stay in the same space even as you have greater needs or enterprise scale or whatever else intel ends up being and I think that's really significant easy entry growth stay there as you're getting better that's really powerful and that's one of the significant things

00:21:25 and I think finally vision I think that Taylor had a vision for creating his community he had a vision for the docks he had a vision for new technologies and he continues to have vision for new things I mean vapor is relatively unique in the world and it takes a vision to understand what could be enabled in order to do that so that's the basic question of how has it been so magical for the last eight years and when Taylor and I were talking about what the best talk for me to give is we're talking

00:21:51 about well we're moving over to laravel six and you know we're moving this Ember and it's been eight years and stuff like that what does it look like you know what has it looked like but what are the next eight years look like so I think the simplest answer to that is keep doing the same things we've been doing this whole time and I want to talk about that really briefly sorry I keep losing my mic with the community I think that even the healthiest community can eventually have things happen to it where it becomes

00:22:18 less healthy and there's various sources of unhealthy community in a healthy community shifting to be unhealthy one of them is as people get roles of prominence they then want to hold on to it and what used to be free and open and flexible becomes locked down because people don't want to be threatened one of the things I think has been the coolest over the last few years have seen malarial community as I've thought about well who have my mentors been and who are been the people who led the way and who taught me in the early days many

00:22:47 of those people aren't the people on stage right now they're not the prominent and well-known people and you could see that as a downside right those people left but what really happened was they said you know it's time for somebody else to shine I think that's really powerful and really significant that we have space for people to have the opportunity to shine and have the opportunity to teach but not entrench their own position or entrench their own leadership in such a way with there's not space for new blood so if you find

00:23:11 yourself in a place where you do have some prominence and you have do have some position that's an opportunity for you to then share that opportunity with somebody else so for example one of the things I've decided I'm gonna try to do recently is identify up-and-coming speakers so though and somebody asked me to speak somewhere and I can't I say but yeah why do you want you ask this person each of you has some opportunity to do something like that what does it look like for you to not entrench your power

00:23:34 and trencher privilege but find space to allow more and more people to come up and have these opportunities as they come up and I think that additionally we can have cliques and that kind of stuff and so continuing to go into spaces where we're not anymore to not just hang out in our cool spot or our cool room or all cool whatever else but go to the places where the newbies are go into discord or go into Stack Overflow whatever whatever else it is and find the new people the people you don't have

00:23:59 those relationships the people who aren't popular and well-known at this point and help them come up and help them come in and be welcoming or one of our titanite side I want to say their name because I think it may be embarrassed has been sitting at our booth and just looking for whoever's alone out in the main thing and then she'll just walk over to those people and talk to them and make friends with them that's amazing I love that and I want us to be to the type of community that does that that why

00:24:20 is out for the people who were where we used to be and give them the opportunity to enter in as well the docks I think that's relatively simple I've mentioned in podcasts and stuff before I've asked Taylor and he says every couple years I'll go back to the docks and I'll try to enter it with a new mind what does it look like for me to enter this as if I don't know any of this stuff and what's hard so I think for each of you individually what your contribution to the docks looks like is when you make

00:24:42 your own stuff make great docks this is a simplest thing try to imagine being somebody who doesn't understand this at all but also when you find yourself either learning or helping somebody else learn and you notice that the resources that are available to us whether it's docks or training resources whatever else aren't fully making an easy for you take that as an opportunity to stop and pause and make it better for the next person that's just we all if we all take that response to be on ourselves it's

00:25:03 not just always on Taylor to do that right in terms of developer happiness again we should all learn from Taylor one of my favorite things in working with Titan has been when I talk with a developer who's never written an SDK before I say they say well where do we get started I was like let's do what Taylor taught me to do which is start with the API I as a developer would like to work with and then work backwards from there oh well this API is terrible because the caching is bad and we have to write these really weird encoded SQL

00:25:29 queries that's okay that's okay let's write what we want to use and take the steps that gets to make the the code that we want to write and we want to interact with and we want to debug and we want to have to read over when something goes wrong down the road let's write that and then take the steps to go back there because that's exactly what laravel is right it's just writing the API that you want to experience and then doing whatever work it takes to get that to actually function based on what's the underpinning layer so do that

00:25:52 in your api's do that in your SDKs do that in your packages we can be inspired by a layer but hopefully we can also be giving back packages that have that same you know the same way of working with it oops sorry developer growth same thing I was saying here when you have things that you feel like you are more advanced than the rest of the community something like that great go teach it right if you have something and you say oh well laravel is terrible because they're using this set great teach this new

00:26:16 thing you have to learn and one of the things I love about some of the older folks who aren't quite as prominent in that now for example Sean McCool is really really big in Europe but he used to lead the laravel podcast and what he does is still stays in laravel community and still keeps teaching about all this wild stuff that I basically will never use in any project ever but I'm glad because some people really need it and he's just continuing to say hey I learned this new thing check it out hey

00:26:36 learn this new thing check it out and I love it when people do that they learn how these new things and they say hey it might not work it might take off it might not take off but hey I learned it and I want you to see it right and let's all become people like that that are trying to share these new things we know with each other and finally vision I love I may have put a tweet about this no I didn't put a tweet I think that we might be later but I'm Taylor put a tweet he said I don't know if I'm gonna use livewire or not but I

00:26:58 love that Caleb did this thing and I totally agree before he even said a tweet about it I was gonna say the same thing as whether or not you're gonna use livewire the fact that Caleb sees this thing that was going on the Phoenix community it says I bet you we can do that in laravel I want more of that right the fact that Taylor sees serverless and says well nobody's doing PHP and service so I'll be it's not gonna happen no he says I'm gonna make it happen because multiple times someone has said to me his server lists the

00:27:20 future and I'm like it's not my future I don't know how you know you know like you know unless I'm writing a whole bunch of JavaScript and what what Taylor said was I have the vision that those things are gonna connect right and so let us all have vision not just to sit where we are but also to contribute back and to learn from other places and to just I mean with if you look at the origin story of laravel it's like yeah dotnet MVC Sinatra rails all that kind of stuff brought all these things together into the PHP world then coding

00:27:44 that in or depress and that's the best one but that shouldn't be the last time that those spaces have anything to offer us and hopefully we're offering to them as well right but that's not the last time that we should be learning from spaces outside of us I think we should also try some new things oh this is C&C I need to practice my talk more keep up with new trends that's what I was talking about where with with live view and stuff like that where we're looking at what other people are doing but we

00:28:07 also want to innovate we don't want to just look at what other people are doing we also want to be people to whom others are looking to see what we're doing and I think vapors one opportunity of that but we don't have to just say oh we're gonna copy that thing that rails did five years ago or that thing that Phoenix is doing right now we can also be the one where they're looking at us and saying oh man they're handling this is happened a couple times right they're handling cues in a way that is really

00:28:25 unique ok cool they're handling broadcast puts your events in a way that's really unique great let's be not just copiers that are doing a good job of learning from each other but also innovating listen a new blood I mentioned this before I really want us to be a space where we don't just get entrenched with a power elite who is the only people that ever speaks the only people that ever writes the only people that ever get their tweets retweeted let's try to learn from other space and finally ease the on-ramp to layer

00:28:49 belt developer see this is where I put on put in their own spot ease the on-ramp to level develop or ship I'll talk about in a second but I love these one okay so first one with vapor I want people to be proud of PHP this is the first server less blah blah blah I want people to be proud of PHP when have you heard anybody say that and I'm telling you so dan and I in my business partner dan and I we are often making the case to businesses about laravel and what is really common is that we go with a

00:29:14 developer a CTO or a lead developer who wants they're coming to use laravel and we go with them to help make that case so we have gotten relatively experienced about the opportunity of saying why laravel the people I wrote the intro to my book is literally titled why laravel and we got all these companies we say it and answering the question not just why laravel but why PHP has been very interesting and it's relatively easy for us to answer it in a very I don't know the right word but very concrete and not

00:29:41 very romantic where we say well you know the PHP has all these vanilla PHP and WordPress developers that are coming up it's on every server and there's some very practical but not romantic ideas for why like PHP what I'm really interested in is the idea that is it possible that we're not just oh yeah well there's more of us oh yeah we're on more servers but is it there possible where we actually can be a force as the level community making PHP better such that every day we can be prouder and prouder not just to being laravel

00:30:07 developers but actually being a PHP developers that's gonna be an interesting challenge it requires at least some of us to be working on the core team at least some of us to learn C or all that kind of stuff that I don't know cuz I came from the front-end and understanding how you write PHP modules and all that kind of stuff and so I saw Justin wearing that shirt and I did like a double take because the first I was like well yeah okay but I'd like it right that shirt that thing right there the idea that we don't just love laravel

00:30:33 and wish we could all you know have laravel on Ruby or something like that but the fact that the idea that we actually like PHP is something that's kind of foreign kind of wild but imagine the transformation it can make if we weren't just proud of being laravel developers but we could also be proud of being PHP developers and I hope we should be I don't think any of us should be ashamed for writing PHP but I do think that there's an interesting challenge for us to look for what does it look like for us to help every day

00:30:56 more and more be the case that PHP is something we're proud to write and then like I said earlier this reference where Taylor said use it or not Caleb's livewires the kind of outside-the-box thinking I love about liberal people I want us to continue to being those sorts of people I'm dying on this mic sorry everybody alright so the last point on my try some new things one was ease the on-ramp to laravel developer ship so what I would like for us to do is be the sort of space where and I think I've mentioned a couple

00:31:25 times where we are taking the responsibility to make it as easy as possible for more people to experience the life change that we have experienced through laravel right I started this whole talk talking all about ways that our lives have been changed by layer by layer well has been successful because their lives have been changed and so I think it is now our responsibility to try and open that up to as many people as possible I think there's a couple ways for that I think one of them is the fact that we're very very open to PHP

00:31:53 developers but almost none of our resources teaching on PHP developers how to use laravel so I think there's some opportunities for us there and I also think that we can actually be doing some work to reach out and say hey other people laravel is not just good if you're already stuck in PHP this is actually the best space we think this is the best space and we want you all to come join us so I'm two things I want to introduce they're not massive product announcements like Taylor and Caleb but I think they're also really exciting

00:32:16 because I think they're a part of the future of the next date in the next 25 years for us so the first one is called on-ramp note with on-ramp so if you would unwrap oh I meant to put the logo in here know me did a beautiful logo and I forgot to put in the slide you go to on-ramp dev right now it's just bullet point list with some links the idea behind this is it's going to be a Titan sponsored community contributed tool that you can use to help someone coming out of to one of two spaces one brand

00:32:40 new developer or two just graduated from like a front-end based boot camp and to give them the steps and the resources they need for free to go from there to being a fully fledged ready to employ laravel programmer by the end of this thing now right now it's just a bullet point list of content you should learn about the terminal you should learn about this that screenshots old it's better than that right now but it's still relatively simple because I want us all to do especially those of you have who have just started writing

00:33:04 laravel or who have hired people who've just started laravel to help me make sure that we're doing a really good job of encompassing what is necessary there but the goal is once we feel confident about the content we have in there to give these developers of space to log in check off the things as they do them take a little test at the end it says not a certification but to prove to themselves that they know this thing to the level that they feel comfortable eating a job and for someone to walk

00:33:25 through this and by the end of the say I believe that at least Matt Stover and Titan think that I have what it takes to become a layer belt developer here now granted Larrick ass is wonderful but if you've ever thrown a brand new developer at lera cast you've seen that deer-in-the-headlights look in their eyes so this right now already links to a whole bunch of their cats videos but it also links to other stuff and it does in a very particular order I want your help right it's my idea Titan is sponsoring it but I don't want

00:33:49 this to be just a Titan thing I would love for us all to contribute to making this beat a space where when you meet someone they say oh yeah I really want to code or yeah I just graduated from this front-end boot camp and I'm a great react developer but I can't do front-end or I can't do back in and I can't find any jobs because they all want full stack developers you say I got a thing and all you got to do is just work through this thing and I'll work with it went through it with you I'll meet you

00:34:08 at a coffee shop every week and we'll grab one of the items off the list every week and we'll watch the video together or something like that and this can be a tool that can allow us to be the space to bring more people to experience the same life transformation that we have experienced so that's the first one thank you so that is on Ramdev and it's an open-source laravel app so if you just go to on Ramdev there's a button there that takes you up to the repo and you can do pull requests and issues

00:34:34 today and I would really love for you to consider doing that or maybe after the after party or this weekend or something like that I would love for other people to be a part of making this great and the other thing and the last thing is laravel podcast season 4 is coming it has been coming for the last year as I've thought through this and so some people were like well ok why are you not doing something that's because I've known that we need this but I haven't known exactly how to do it so on-ramp

00:34:57 and laravel podcast season 4 are gonna go hand-in-hand and every episode of laravel podcast season 4 will talk about one of the topics and on-ramp very technically very practically and I'm gonna invite somebody from the community to help me talk to teach new people and hopefully all of us will learn a little bit of something as well right it's not just gonna be for branded people to learn about one topic so for all of you who said enough interviews talk about technical stuff you're gonna get what

00:35:19 you want for all of you who want to learn something new you're gonna get what you want for all of you who've wanted your chance to break through there's a lot of topics on on-ramp which means I'm going to need a lot of speakers which means I'm not just gonna be able to reach to the same people that been on stage which means I'm gonna need a lot of you to be the people I'm talking with even if you don't have a big name even if you're not a conference speaker so this is an opportunity for us together between on-ramp and laravel

00:35:41 podcast season 4 to become the most welcoming and inclusive place that has so many people being invited in and having the opportunity to experience the same life transformation that we experienced so I hope that you all love it I'm late on time so I'm just gonna knit now and thank you all very much [Applause] you you


    3:07 😄 Laravel’s community is welcoming and inclusive, providing a sense of belonging and acceptance.
    5:27 📚 Comprehensive documentation plays a crucial role in the framework’s success and accessibility.
    8:23 😃 Developer happiness is prioritized, making it easy to write clean code and focus on business goals.
    12:12 📈 Laravel offers growth opportunities, allowing developers to continuously learn and improve their skills.
    15:25 🔮 Taylor’s vision for Laravel drives innovation and the development of new technologies.
    18:43 👥 The community should actively support and mentor new developers, ensuring a healthy and diverse talent pool.
    22:03 🚀 Laravel developers should take pride in their PHP skills and strive to make PHP a language to be proud of.

Key Insights

    Laravel’s success can be attributed to its supportive and inclusive community, which fosters a sense of belonging and encourages collaboration. This community-driven approach sets Laravel apart from other frameworks.
    The comprehensive documentation provided by Laravel is a significant factor in its accessibility and ease of use for developers. It allows both beginners and experienced developers to quickly get up to speed and make the most of the framework’s features.
    Developer happiness is a core principle of Laravel. By prioritizing ease of use, clean code, and business-focused development, Laravel empowers developers to enjoy their work and be more productive.
    Laravel offers growth opportunities for developers to continuously learn and improve their skills. By providing a framework that supports both simple and complex projects, Laravel allows developers to expand their capabilities and tackle new challenges.
    Taylor’s vision for Laravel drives innovation and the development of new technologies. By being open to new ideas and actively exploring new trends and possibilities, Laravel stays at the forefront of web development.
    The Laravel community should actively support and mentor new developers to ensure a healthy and diverse talent pool. By sharing knowledge and providing guidance, experienced developers can help newcomers navigate the framework and industry.
    Laravel developers should take pride in their PHP skills and strive to make PHP a language to be proud of. By continuously improving their PHP expertise and showcasing the capabilities of Laravel, developers can contribute to the positive perception and growth of PHP.