Window Magic, Command Line Wizardy

Rissa Jackson


    00:00 [Music] [Applause] Rissa Jackson introduces herself and the topic.
    01:30 Rissa explains the agenda for the talk.
    03:45 Rissa discusses the importance of learning command line wizardry.
    05:20 Rissa shares tips on how to learn and improve command line skills.
    08:10 Rissa compares Bash and Zsh.
    10:15 Rissa demonstrates the use of scripts and functions for automation.
    12:30 Rissa introduces Oh My Zsh and showcases its features.
    15:00 Rissa explains the benefits of using aliases.
    17:20 Rissa explores window management tools like Amethyst and Magnet.
    19:45 Rissa introduces HammerSpoon for powerful window management automation.
    22:10 Rissa discusses application launchers like Alfred and Raycast.
    24:30 Rissa mentions potential options for window management on Windows and Linux.
    26:00 Rissa starts the live demo, showcasing HammerSpoon and Oh My Zsh in action.
    30:40 Rissa demonstrates the use of aliases and how to add a new one.
    33:10 Rissa concludes the live demo.

Key Insights

    🔑 Command line wizardry can greatly enhance efficiency and productivity for developers.
    🔑 Customizing your command line environment can make it feel more personal and comfortable to use.
    🔑 Learning from others and being part of tech communities is a valuable way to expand your knowledge.
    🔑 Experimenting with tools and automation can help streamline repetitive tasks and improve workflow.
    🔑 Window management tools and application launchers offer additional productivity features for developers.
    🔑 There are various options available for different operating systems, such as HammerSpoon for macOS and potential options for Windows and Linux.
    🔑 Regular practice and iteration are key to mastering command line wizardry and finding what works best for individual needs.

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